Carmel Valley
Invisalign in San Diego


The Benefits Of Invisalign and Orthodontic Care

Dr. Leah has been treating patients with Invisalign for over 14 years and is trained in advanced Invisalign techniques. She is a member of the Academy of Clear Aligners and has taken extensive continuing education in both orthodontics and Invisalign over the years to help produce fantastic results for her patients during short periods of time. At Bespoke, we can help both teens and adults gain exceptional results with straight teeth, a healthy bite and a fantastic smile through Invisalign®.

A straight, perfect smile can make you feel more confident about your appearance. But it does more than that. Properly-aligned teeth help you chew properly, prevent premature wear, and can even prevent other oral problems like teeth grinding or TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). If you think you could benefit from a straighter smile, don’t wait. Contact your Carmel Valley Invisalign dentist in San Diego, Dr. Leah Stempfle at Bespoke Dentistry, for an orthodontic consultation.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an alternative to braces. It uses thin, clear, comfortable “aligners” to move your teeth. These look sort of like a retainer or a mouth guard. Each aligner is custom-built to place pressure on your teeth. Just like braces, this moves them toward a healthier position in your mouth. By swapping through a series of aligners, you can treat crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, bite issues, and more.

But unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are invisible when worn, and don’t affect speech or your appearance. They're also more comfortable and can be removed to eat, drink, brush, and floss. For these reasons, they're a very popular alternative to traditional braces.

The Invisalign Treatment Process

Consultation & Digital Scans

To begin the process, you’ll come into Bespoke Dentistry for a consultation with Dr. Stempfle. She’ll determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign. If you are, she will use a digital scanner to create a model of your teeth, then work with Invisalign to create your treatment plan. It will take a few weeks for your first set of aligners to arrive at our office.

Wear Your Aligners

Once your first set of aligners arrives at Bespoke Dentistry, you’ll come in to pick them up, and to get some instructions on how to wear your aligners from Dr. Stempfle. You’ll wear them all day every day, for at least 20-22 hours. Ideally, you should only remove your aligners to eat and drink, and to brush and floss. You’ll switch to a new set of aligners about every 2 weeks.

Receive New Sets At Checkups

About every 6 weeks, you’ll come back to our office for a quick consultation with Dr. Stempfle. She’ll check your progress, then give you a few new sets of aligners. You’ll keep coming back for checkups until your treatment is complete, which usually takes about 12 months.

Protect your smile

Same-Day Mouth Guards & Retainers

In a hurry? Looking for a convenient travel option to protect and maintain your smile? Bespoke is happy to now offer same-day mouth guards and retainers!

At your appointment, Dr. Stempfle will take a mold of your teeth and create a custom mouth guard or retainer, depending on your needs. The appliance will be made on the same day of your visit, so once it is complete, Dr. Stempfle will place the guard or retainer in your mouth to ensure proper fitting.

She'll also provide you with any additional accessories and homecare instructions for long-lasting, durable wear. Book your visit today!

Space Maintenance

If your child loses a baby tooth early, that’s a big deal. Baby teeth do fall out naturally, but they're not meant to fall out prematurely. That’s because the baby teeth help form the paths that your child’s adult teeth take when they erupt. If your child loses a tooth early, they may need a space maintainer. This is a simple prosthetic made of metal or plastic, which Dr. Stempfle will place in the gap between their teeth. As the name suggests, the space maintainer prevents nearby teeth from shifting, maintaining the proper gap in your little one’s smile until their adult tooth emerges.